Friday, November 30, 2012

Hey everyone! Okay, so this survey is looking out to be a success so far.. I have not administrated it to anyone YET but I have written about 15 questions that will potentially give me some really interesting results among parents of children with all ages. I have printed out surveys and made a list of who I am going to give it to. I will be talking more to my boss about the survey today actually. These questions are thoughtful and personal but they are general questions that would be valid and the parents should not have trouble answering. I will continue to update you on when I administer the survey and what the results are. I will attach the survey soon so you can see and maybe you would like to take it! The questions will interest you and make you really think how television and the media have changed over the years. From when I was young, it has definitely changed. Look at Disney channel, for example. The shows are completely different now. It will bring you to MORE attention to the fact that the media is corrupting children IF the children watch these sorts of shows. The messages could be subtle to being completely outright. What do you think?

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