Thursday, October 11, 2012

Do you socialize more virtually than in reality?
Some experts in child development and others have observed that spontaneous play and “childhood culture,” including games that have been passed down from generation to generation, are disappearing. What do you think about this?

What do you think about "the culture of childhood"? ...Try to remember the good times of playing outside with your friends, playing dress up or teacher, playing house, or simply just using your imagination to make up a game. Those were the best days. I grew up using my imagination. We all know how much this world has technologically advanced in the last decade but what is happening to using our brains? The technology is so savy and the "in" thing. Children worry about whether or not they have the newest Ipod touch or Ipad now-a-days. I definitely agree that technology has been very beneficial to us but I think that now it is almost being abused. Children are constantly glued to the TV set either watching a show or playing video games. When they are on the computer they play games or go on a social media site depending on what age. All of this is fun and games but, there needs to be a limit. These TV shows can exemplify violence or inappropriate behavior in which the child is learning from. When a child does something wrong, they most likely will say..."But..but I saw it on TV!" So...this does not make it right! And the kids do not know that because they are constantly exposed to it. Some of these TV shows are very risque and do not teach good lessons. Participating in the culture used to be part of socialization process. Friends. Friends are the simplest but main thing in socializing. Children have learned that others can be mean, or nice. Children today need to learn how to deal with children their age. Lack of socialization can lead to bullying and teasing...we certainly do not want this to increase. 

Children need to get out and play and use their imaginations! They need to socialize. Socialization is one of the most important traits a person can have and if you do not learn while you are young, how are you going to deal with people when you are older? What about the job interview? 

Another topic I would like to touch upon is communicating virtually. Now, I am sure all or most of you have a FaceBook or Twitter. I am sure that most people act differently over the internet or with a text message. It has all happened to us at least once that we have said something over a text that we would not be able to say in person. These methods of communicating are never an efficient way of speaking to someone. I honestly do not like texting (as much as I text) because I never know what the other person is really thinking. When we say LOL are we really laughing? Probably not every single time. You can not tell the persons reaction to what you are telling them because you can not see their face. Someone could be completely lying to you over a text and you might not ever know.. Do you like that? Because I don't. Bullying tends to happen over a virtual communication method and it really needs to stop. We are so engulfed in these sites and  our phones that we never can just meet the person to talk or call on the phone. Talking face to face really gives you a sense of where the person is coming from. We need to gain back our social skills by standing up and communicating... IN PERSON! Socialization is key, remember that :) 
What are your thoughts on this? 

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